Climb above your “peak rating” and start winning games consistently with our scholastic chess community.
Without proper guidance, it’s easy to get stuck at your current rating level and waste time on chess materials that are either too advanced or filled with impractical and unnecessary theory.
Even the players who see themselves as quite ambitious can get stuck in a vicious cycle of poor time management, ineffective study activities and self-deception.
When you sign-up for our club membership, we’ll turn your street-level/casual-level play to a tournament-ready one through a series of structured trainings, focusing on learning only the key skills of chess that will help you win games, and leaving out all the boring theory that won’t do anything to help you win.
Are you able to spot your opponent’s tactical mistakes and prevent yourself from blundering?
Are you able to convert winning endgames and save a losing one?
When you get better positions, are you able to convert them into wins?
Can you find counterplay even in worst positions?
Do you consistently gain an advantage on the opening of the game?
Can you keep up with your training streak to maintain a high-level of play?
Our club provides the tools and support, like experienced mentors and structured training sessions, to help you strategically “demolish” those limiting walls and build a stronger chess foundation.
An online chess training platform equipped with structured, self-paced chess lessons at your level to fast-track your improvement and conquer your chess goals, all while still having a life outside the board.
A monthly face-to-face group coaching session with our dedicated team coach so your ability to visualize on-the-board will not be affected.
Playing chess isn’t just about knowing the moves – it’s about applying your knowledge and gaining experience on the board. That’s why our club emphasizes hands-on practice and application.
To reinforce what you learned in the lessons and games, we’ll assign you some weekly challenge to our Facebook Group to accomplish on your own.
Put your skills to the test in friendly matches with other Conquerors online. These monthly rotating tournaments will challenge you in different time control for a chance to win cash prizes.
Conquerors Assembly, ICCT Chess Club Invitational – Interscholastic Chess League, Conquerors Tourney, Collegiate League and more…
We host booths, workshops or other gimmicks to promote mental fitness among our community members – in and out of our campus.
Our club will teach you how to use engines wisely, how to track your improvement over time and celebrate your wins!
Your digital career ID and player passport to join our tournaments. It includes the history of events you’ve participated in, trophies and your rating.
We’ve partnered with Tornelo to host our own tournament and ranking management system. See where you stand, challenge other club members, and earn awesome rewards at the end of the season split!
Chess is more than just moves on a board. We’re here to equip you with the tools and support you need to “PLAY FOR A WIN” – on and off the board.
There’s no going alone on your chess journey again! Connect with like-minded chess players and share your wins inside our private chess community.
No Chess Equipment? No Problem! Our club have a dedicated space and chess equipments available for rent in selected locations of your campus branch.
If you know how the chess pieces moves, how en passant and castling works, and you know the difference between a check, mate and stalemate, you’re good to go! To join our club, you simply need to follow the instructions below:
Club Membership re-news every semester. Old members must re-new their previous membership to become an official member this season split.
You can send your payment via GCash or hand-over your payment to your Designated Campus Representative.
We’ll send you an email of your Membership Application Status after your successful registration.
The ICCT Chess Club is the official chess community of ICCT Colleges. We regularly gather to play, practice, and learn from one another.
If you have any questions, just send us and email and don’t forget to follow and like all our social accounts to keep updated!
We’ve implemented a registration standard for club applicants to ensure we maintain a high-quality pool of player reserves for the years ahead.